Link: C1's not-a-UMPC UMPC - Engadget.
When's a UMPC not a UMPC? When it's a Micro PC, like the Vaio UX. But when's a UMPC a UMPC... that's not a UMPC? Well, C1 claims to be one, but from what we understand it's not running Tablet with Touch Pack -- just XP -- so while you're getting a very small 2.6 pound 1.6-inch thick device with a 1GHz Via Eden, 80GB drive, 1GB DDR RAM, 8.4-inch SVGA display, PC slot, 3-hour battery, Bluetooth, 802.11b/g, and Ethernet, what you're not getting is an ultramobile PC / Origami / whatever you want to call it.
UMPCじゃない(というかOrigamiデバイスじゃない)C1という機種についての記事だ。どうやらキーボードは搭載していない。横幅が231mmもあるから、OQOと比べるよりもFMV P8210やLOOX Pシリーズと比べるべきかもしれない。